Writing Workshop: 20th May 2018
Cressingham Gardens Rotunda: 2 - 4pm

Degenerate Space invite you to take part in our writing workshop to create work for our upcoming installation, 'Solus and the City', as part of London Festival of Architecture and Antiuniversity Now.
We will explore how different environments influence female / non binary identity, particularly notions of stability - self reliance - safety and solitude and how these are influenced by decreasing public space, precarious working and living conditions, the financialisation of leisure and the urban environment.
There is no specified outcome - its an experiment and we will see what happens!
This workshop is free and open to all women and non-binary identifying people. It is facilitated by Degenerate Space in collaboration with poet, Anne Cooper.
If you would like to attend, please RSVP to: molly.degneratespace@gmail.com